Monday, September 12, 2011

Superstitions about Crow

Some older superstitions carry the belief that the visit and call of the crow is an omen of impending death. However, this was probably adopted in thought as a result of a series of ancient myths that is, one being where Crow delivered unwelcome news to Apollo, who in turn smote the then pure white messenger by turning him and all his brethren to the color black. In going from white to black, Crow was actually given the gift of now knowing both of these realms very well. In the past, present and future are frequently visited by this most magical and mystical bird. Being well-known for their methodical and meticulous explorations and their curious and brazen dispositions, Crow Spirit delves deeply into the Void in order to bring word of what may be in need of a better balance in your life.

Like their kindred, the Raven, Crow's color even reminds us that things are never just black and white. Within their present black color lie all the other colors of the spectrum pulled within, one's self lie all the secrets of magic. Black is the color associated with creation. It is the Void in which all new things are birthed. It is pure potential awaiting the spark of thought. Those with Crow Totem will find themselves pushed to seek out and bring back harmony, balance and justice to their world, and will be urged to unleash their unlimited creativity. In the act of creation, though, some outdated habits and things that are no longer useful are apt to demand change and transformation.