Friday, September 30, 2011

Korean Traditional Game - Go-Stop (고스톱)

This is a traditional Korean card game with cards referred to as hwatu (화투) in Korean. Typically, there are two or three players. The general point of this game is to score points, usually three or seven, and then call a “Go” or a “Stop.” When a “Go” is called, the game continues, and the amount of points or money is first increased, and then doubled, tripled, quadrupled and so on. If a “Stop” is called, the game ends and the winner collects their winnings.

This is also probably the famous game you often see in Korean dramas, where famiy members sit down together making noises of card being slapped to the cloth (they even have special blanket lookalike for this game!!). They often play bets when playing this game, the rule of thumb is to have fun, even though many times it can get pretty intense!!