Friday, September 30, 2011

Assignment I ( Movie Review - HOP 2011)

What is communication?
Communication is the sharing of ideas and information. While many people think of communication primarily in oral or written form, communication is much more. A knowing look or a gentle touch can also communicate a message loud and clear, as can a hard push or an angry slap. Communication is defined as the act of transmitting, a giving or exchanging of information, signals, or messages as by talk, gestures, or writing, the information, signals, or message and close, sympathetic relationship. Beside that, communication also a means of communicating, example a system for sending and receiving messages, as by telephone, telegraph, radio, etc. Other than that, a system as of routes for moving troops and material, a passage or way for getting from one place to another, the art of expressing ideas, example in speech and writing, the science of transmitting information, example in symbols. Those definition suggests that there can be several different types of communication, falling into the categories of non-verbal or verbal.

What is intercultural communication?
Intercultural communication in its most basic form refers to an academic field of study and research. Its seeks to understand how people from different countries and cultures behave, communicate and perceive the world around them. The findings of such academic research are then applied to 'real life' situations such as how to create cultural synergy between people from different cultures within a business or how psychologists understand their patients. The definition of intercultural communication must also include strands of the field that contribute to it such as anthropology, cultural studies, psychology and communication. Beside that, intercultural communication principles also guide the process of exchanging meaningful and unambiguous information across cultural boundaries, in a way that preserves mutual respect and minimize antagonism. For these purposes, culture is a shared system of symbols, beliefs, attitudes, values, expectations, and norms of behaviour. It refers to coherent groups of people whether resident wholly or partly within state territories, or existing without residence in any particular territory.

Movie Review : HOP 2011

Hop is a 2011 Easter-themed part live-action-part animated comedy film from Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment, directed by Tim Hill and produced by Chris Meledandri. The film was released on April 1, 2011 in the United States and the United Kingdom. It stars James Marsden, Kaley Cuoco,Tiffany Espensen, Chelsea Handler, Elizabeth Perkins, Gary Cole, David Hasselhoff, Elizabeth Howard, Coleton Ray and the voices of Russell Brand, Hugh Hefner, Hugh Laurie, John Cohen, Janet Healy, Hank Azaria, and Django Marsh.

On Easter Island, a young rabbit named E.B. (Russell Brand) is intended to succeed his father Mr Bunny (Hugh Laurie) as the Easter Bunny. Intimidated by the calling's demands, E.B. runs away to Hollywood to pursue his dream of becoming a drummer. Mr Bunny sends his three ninja royal guards, the Pink Berets (Janet Healy), to find his son. Meanwhile, Easter Chicks Carlos and Phil (both played by Hank Azaria), plot a coup d'état against Mr Bunny to take over the Easter organization. Wandering through Los Angeles, E.B. is hit by Fred O'Hare (James Marsden), an out of work slacker who was driving to his sister Sam's (Kaley Cuoco) boss's house he's housesitting . Feigning injury, E.B. persuades Fred to take him in as he recovers, but when E.B. causes trouble Fred attempts to abandon him in the wilderness. E.B. persuades the human to help him by claiming to be the Easter Bunny, whom Fred saw in operation in his youth. The rabbit sees the Berets closing in on him and hides inside a business where Fred is having job interview. E.B. enjoys a successful recording session with the Blind Boys of Alabama as their substitute drummer, but ruins Fred's job interview. In the process, E.B. gets a tip about a possible audition for David Hasselhoff, who invites him to perform on his show. Afterward, Fred attends his adopted younger sister Alex's (Tiffany Espensen) Easter school pageant with E.B. hiding in a satchel. E.B., alarmed that the Pink Berets have apparently found him and disgusted by Alex's awful rendition of Here Comes Peter Cottontail, dashes out and disrupts the show. Fred feigns a ventriloquist's act with the bunny's cooperation as his dummy and they lead the show in singing, "I Want Candy". Both his father, Henry (Gary Cole) and Alex, are angry about the upstaging, but Fred is inspired to be the Easter Bunny himself. E.B. is skeptical, but he agrees to train the human and finds that Fred has some genuine talent for it. As the Pink Berets close in on him, E.B. prepares a decoy to fake his death and leaves for Hasselhoff's show. The Berets see the decoy and, horrified that the human has apparently killed E.B., capture Fred and take him to Easter Island. Fred is held captive and confronted by Mr Bunny and Carlos about killing E.B. Carlos pretends to be upset about E.B.'s death, ignores Fred's protests about the truth of the decoy and seizes control of the Easter factory. Meanwhile, at the Hoff Knows Talent live show E.B. is in his dressing room preparing for his performance but his reflection begins to berate him for leaving Fred. Just then a production assistant (also Russell Brand) arrives to tell him that he is next to perform. E.B. leaves his dressing room and begins to feel guilty about leaving Fred so he discusses the situation with Hasselhoff, who advises him to go back and help his friend. E.B. finds evidence of Fred's capture and races back to the factory. He confronts Carlos, but is immobilized in gummi candy and tossed into the chocolate bunny carving line. Fred and Mr Bunny are tied up with black licorice and are to be boiled alive. Fred manages to free himself and Mr Bunny by eating away the licorice and E.B. survives by dodging the blades. Carlos, now a chick-bunny combination due to Easter magic engages battle with E.B. and defeats him easily due to his size and then tries to lead the Easter Egg sleigh out with Phil directing via lighted wands. To stop the launch, E.B. improvises a drum session. Uncontrollably driven to dance to the beat, Phil provides the wrong signals, causing a crash and Carlos is subdued. After being defeated, Carlos is made to pull the Easter Egg sleigh and Phil is made the new head of the Easter Chicks. E.B. and Fred are made co-Easter bunnies and take over the job. Fred's family is now proud that he has a job and responsibilities. In an after-credits scene, Fred & EB are in China delivering an Easter basket to the same woman who had previously attacked Mr Bunny earlier in the film.

Live action actors
  • James Marsden as Fred O'Hare - The deuteragonist. A human who takes in E.B. to recover after he accidentally hits him with his car. When he was younger Fred saw E.B.'s Dad at work very early one Easter morning and ever since, he has had a secret dream of doing the job himself.
  • Coleton Ray as Young Fred.
  • Kaley Cuoco as Samantha "Sam" O'Hare - Fred's younger sister.
  • Tiffany Espensen as Alex O'Hare - Fred and Sam's adopted younger sister.
  • Gary Cole as Henry O'Hare - Bonnie's husband and Fred, Sam, and Alex's father.
  • Elizabeth Perkins as Bonnie O'Hare - Henry's wife and Fred, Sam and Alex's mother.
  • Chelsea Handler as Mrs. Beck - the lady who interviews Fred in his job interview.
  • David Hasselhoff as Himself - The host of "Hoff Knows Talent".
  • Russell Brand as a "Hoff Knows Talent" production assistant who pronounces E.B.'s name wrong.
  • Christian Long as a "Hoff Knows Talent" production assistant.
  • Hugh Hefner as Himself.
  • Dustin Ybarra as Cody - an office worker who has a brief encounter with Fred during his job interview.

  • Russell Brand as E.B. - The main protagonist. A 19 year old rabbit who would rather be a drummer than be the next Easter Bunny. Brand also makes a short cameo appearance as a production assistant.
  • Django Marsh as Young E.B.
  • Hugh Laurie as Mr Bunny (E.B.'s Dad) - The current Easter Bunny who wants E.B. to take over the family business instead of becoming a drummer.
  • Hank Azaria as Carlos and Phil: § Carlos: The main antagonist and the leader of the Easter Chicks who has grown tired of always being Mr Bunny's number two (or lieutenant) and decides to lead a coup d'état.
  • Phil: Carlos' fun loving sidekick who enjoys music more than working.
  • John Cohen as the other Easter Chicks and the other Easter Bunnies.
  • Janet Healy as The Pink Berets (Fluffy, Patch, and Bit) - A trio of royal guard rabbit ninjas sent out by Mr Bunny to find E.B.

The Traditional of Eastern

Easter, while the most important event in the Christian year - because belief in the resurrectionof Jesus and the salvation brought by it is the essential element of the religion - is at the same time characterised by elements of the celebration that are pagan in origin. There are a variety of traditions in the religious calendar year that link holidays with food and abstention from it. Many Christians practise fasting (postene) or abstention from some types of food at certain times of the year. Fasting is an ancient practice, which some believe has its origins in people wanting to cleanse their bodies and souls after the indulgences of the harvest or after a long winter.In Bulgaria some of the figures and shapes dyed on eggs represent the steps that Jesus undertook. Eggs are always dyed on the Good Thursday. They are all dyed using the most widely used technique with a pen, outlining the contours of mostly solar symbols with wax. Rosetta, flowers or swastika are also drawn on the eggs, a practice derived from Indo-European symbols of the sun.