Monday, September 12, 2011

Mid-Autumn Festival

The 15th day of the 8th month in the Chinese Calendar this year falls on today, September 12. However, what day is today?

It is the Mid-Autumn Festival. It is a popular lunar harvest festival celebrated by Chinese and Vietnamese people. Every year on the fifteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, when the moon is at its maximum brightness for the entire year, they celebrate "zhong qiu jie" (the pronounciation of Mid-Autumn Festival in Mandarin).

The festival marks the successful rebellion against the Mongol ruler happened back in 14th century China. Legend had indicated that the rebels hid a paper of secret about a plot against the Mongolians inside the mooncakes and distributed them to get it known to everyone. Lanterns were used as signals from higher grounds and hilltop at night.
Today, this festival is celebrated with moon cakes and lanterns hanging around the house together with family. During this family occasion, people eat special sweet cakes known as "Mooncakes" (Mooncakes are made of ground lotus and sesame seed paste, egg-yolk and other ingredients) while gazing at the huge autumn moon rise with family. Other than that, children will light up their lanterns, mostly in the shapes of animals and more recently, in the shapes of aeroplanes and space ships and walk around with their lanterns with the accompaniment of some singing.



     Lantern in the shape of fish


In 2008, it had just been made a Chinese public holiday. During the night, public parks are ablaze with many thousands of lanterns of all colours, sizes and shapes. Lantern carnivals and competitions are held in certain areas.

                                                  Lantern Exhibition

"When the moon is round, families unite."