Monday, September 19, 2011

Japanese Clothing- Kimono

Before the year 794, Japanese people were separate into two parts, that are upper and lower garments.  During the years 794 to 1192, the straight line method was invented.  This method involved cutting long pieces of fabric and sewing them together in a long dress like a kimono.  From the year 1192 to 1573, Japanese men and women began to wear bright colors on their kimono.  

Kimono are clothes worn in Japan.  Kimono are designed to match the seasons.  They are also designed for different occasions.  When a baby is born, if it is a girl, it is dressed in a white under garment and a bright yuzen or dyed kimono; if a boy is born, he wears a black kimono with the family crest on it.  Another occasion for wearing a kimono is Shichi-go san.

Kimono making is a major art in Japan.  The kimono is a valuable piece of clothing.  They became heirlooms between 1868 and 1912.  Japan was influenced by other cultures.  Japan has recently adopted a more western style of clothing.  People wear modern clothes now like jeans and t-shirts.  Today kimono are only worn on special occasions such as the "Coming of Age Day".